Upper Limb Arterial Duplex Ultrasound
Indications: Absent peripheral pulses Arterial trauma Exercise related limb pain Limb pain at rest Extremity ulcers/gangrene Digital cyanosis, ischaemia or cold sensitivity Arteriovenous fistula assessment
Indications: Absent peripheral pulses Arterial trauma Exercise related limb pain Limb pain at rest Extremity ulcers/gangrene Digital cyanosis, ischaemia or cold sensitivity Arteriovenous fistula assessment
Indications: Newly onset hypertension Hypertension refractory to medical management A patient outside the normal range for hypertension Abdominal bruit As a screen prior to medical
Indications: Exercise related limb pain in the absence of significant arterial pathology Unexplained swelling/oedema in the lower limb/ankles, in the absence of significant venous pathology
Including pre and post-prandial (eating) testing if required Indications: Abdominal pain and cramping associated with eating Significant, unexplained weight loss Diarrhoea of questionable aetiology Abdominal
Indications: Absent peripheral pulses Arterial trauma Exercise related limb pain Limb pain at rest Extremity ulcers/gangrenous Arteriovenous malformation Surveillance of known vascular disease Follow-up post
The indications, limitations, patient preparation and scanning times will depend on the region to be examined. Please refer to the individual headings for more information,
Indications: Carotid/neck bruit Transient ischemic attack (TIA), Stroke Pulsating neck lump Amaurosis fugax (painless, temporary loss of vision in one or both eyes) Head trauma
Indications: Decreased pulsatility Absence of bruit or thrill in site Pulsatile or expanding swelling of graft Increased return venous pressure Poor arterial inflow Difficulty with
Indications: Abdominal bruit Abdominal, flank or backpain Absent peripheral pulses Arterial trauma Exercise related pain in the hip, buttock or thigh Extremity ulcers/gangrene Hypertension Limb
Indications: Absent peripheral pulses Limb trauma Arterial trauma Exercise related limb pain Limb pain at rest Extremity ulcers/gangrene Known vascular disease Follow-up limb revascularisation Contraindications
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